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Morocco SWMENA Survey Details and Methodology - Morocco
  • Fieldwork for the SWMENA Morocco survey was implemented between December 9, 2009 and January 21, 2010 by the Moroccan survey firm LMS-CSA.
  • The survey is nationally representative: the sample size is 2,500; includes 2,000 women & 500 men. There is an oversample of women in order to have a large sample of women across ages, education levels, urban/rural residents, and other demographic segments, so that robust comparisons can be made amongst women. The smaller sample of men is mainly used to allow the gender disaggregation of the data.
  • The margin of error for the women’s sample is: ± 2.19% and the margin of error for the men’s sample is ± 4.38%.
  • All respondents are aged 18 and above.
  • The sample represents proportionally the various regions of Morocco. The survey data has been weighted by age and area of residence (urban/rural area) to make the data representative of the Moroccan population aged 18 years and over. The weighting parameters were sourced from Moroccan Statistic Office (Haut Commissariat au Plan).
  • Illustrative data & key findings from the Morocco survey are shown in the Topic Brief Documents.